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By John Erickson

Home>Engine Maker>Baldwin Locomotive Works

Pictures By Maker Baldwin Locomotive Works

I don't have a lot of Baldwin locomotive pictures because the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad pictures are the only Baldwin pictures I have clear copyright access to. Here are the Brigeton & Harrison locomotives 7 & 8 and they are 2-4-4t locomotives.

Baldwin Locomotive Works is a prime example for a company's need to watch for trends developing, and not get locked into the "Our Way Is Best" syndrome.

They set themselves up to the idea that steam would always be the best form of power for long distance trains, and failed to see the emergence of the diesel electric locomotive as steam's replacement until they were two far behind in the technology to catch up. Even though they had been the premier builder of steam locomotives from their 1830 beginning to the end, they fell to bankruptcy in the 1950's.

For more information check www.american-rails.com